Why do we keep repeating patterns in our lives that are less than ideal?

Our lives are shaped by subconscious beliefs acquired from past experiences, traumas, and societal conditioning. Psych-K© synchronizes both brain hemispheres, rewiring the subconscious mind for empowering beliefs. Heal underlying beliefs for self-sabotage, embracing self-love and confidence. Discover why you are the way you are and get to the core of the issues that keep you from living and experiencing the life you truly want.

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Put an end to unwanted patterns & experiences that keep you from the quality of life & relationships you desire.


PSYCH-K® is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a divine being having a human experience.

A Simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that impact your self-esteem, relationships, job performance and even your physical health!

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A user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life!

Why Psych-K©: A Quantum Leap Beyond Traditional Approaches

Traditional therapy and medical psychology often navigate the surface of conscious issues, providing temporary relief without addressing the root cause. Psych-K© stands out as a powerful, effective, and swift alternative, diving deep into the subconscious realm.

1. Core-Level Transformation:

Traditional methods tend to treat symptoms, leaving the root cause untouched. Psych-K©, however, directly communicates with the subconscious, targeting and rewiring core beliefs. This ensures profound and lasting transformation, not just surface-level relief.

2. Speed and Finesse:

While traditional therapy may take years to show noticeable results, Psych-K© operates at the speed of the subconscious mind. By synchronizing brain hemispheres, it accelerates the process, providing rapid and efficient solutions. Finesse lies in its ability to access the hidden layers of the mind, addressing issues with precision.

3. Medication-Free Solutions:

Psych-K© offers a drug-free path to healing. Rather than relying on medications that often come with side effects and dependencies, it empowers individuals to reprogram their beliefs naturally. This approach aligns with the body's innate ability to heal itself without external substances.

4. Holistic Well-Being:

Traditional approaches may compartmentalize mental and physical health. Psych-K© recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By addressing the subconscious, it promotes holistic well-being, creating a harmonious alignment that resonates throughout all aspects of life.

Choose Psych-K© for a quantum leap beyond conventional methods—experience rapid, precise, and drug-free transformation that unlocks your true potential.

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The Origins of Limiting Beliefs:

Understanding the Tapestry of Subconscious Beliefs: Unraveling the Origins
In the intricate tapestry of the human psyche, subconscious beliefs weave a narrative that shapes our lives. Many of these beliefs find their roots in the fertile soil of childhood experiences—both the monumental and the seemingly trivial. Childhood, akin to a malleable clay, is imprinted with impressions that become the blueprint for our perceptions, decisions, and responses.

Childhood Trauma: The Seeds of Limiting Beliefs
At times, traumatic experiences in childhood act as potent seeds, sprouting into limiting beliefs that linger into adulthood. Whether it's a single significant event or a series of smaller, cumulative occurrences, these imprints can cast shadows over our self-perception, relationships, and life choices. The subconscious mind, in its adaptive nature, absorbs these experiences, imprinting them as foundational beliefs that influence our conscious actions.

Social Conditioning: The Fabric of Engrained Beliefs
Beyond individual experiences, societal norms and expectations contribute to the complex tapestry of subconscious beliefs. Society, like a loom, weaves a fabric of beliefs that individuals internalize—often unconsciously. These beliefs, whether rooted in cultural expectations, familial norms, or societal standards, become deeply engrained, dictating the patterns of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

The Core Level: Where Transformation Beckons
Attempting to alter our lives by merely addressing the surface-level conscious mind is akin to pruning leaves while ignoring the roots. True transformation requires delving into the core of our being, where these subconscious beliefs take root. It is here, in the realm of the unconscious, that the seeds of change must be sown.

To free ourselves from the shackles of limiting beliefs, we must embark on a journey inward and take full responsibility for the circumstances of our lives. Jacob is an experienced facilitator who will gracefully guide you through the discovery and change process. By addressing the core level, we unearth the origins of these beliefs, allowing for profound transformation and the emergence of a new narrative—one shaped by conscious choice rather than the echoes of the past.


What are the most common themes that Psych-K© addresses?

The average person growing up in mainstream society has inherited a slew of detrimental and outright toxic beliefs and perceptions that severely limit our quality of life, relationships, and ability to succeed. Jacob will seek to address several core areas that are likely out of balance in most people. These areas include: Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Safety.

If you have unwanted patterns that keep showing up in your life no matter what you do to change them, chances are they involve limiting perceptions in these fundamental life areas. Limiting beliefs or perceptions in any of these areas will keep us from pursuing, demanding, and creating the quality of life, relationships, and work we desire and deserve.

How does Psych-K© work?

PSYCH-K® is a unique process evolving from years of split-brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive state of mind that dramatically reduces resistance to changing at the subconscious level. The subconscious mind can be accessed in a way similar to a personal computer. PSYCH-K® works like a “mental keyboard” – a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct and verifiable.

How can Psych-K© help me?

Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. If your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conflict shows up in relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletics, weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health. If you are facing challenges in any of these areas, you should book a call with Jacob to discuss the best options for your unique life circumstances.

Kind words from the people that light me up:

"I've gotten the best advice from Jacob, literally life changing. I've gone to therapy for years, and while helpful to take the pressure off, I felt like I wasn't really changing the patterns I originally showed up for or was changing very slowly. I explained this to Jacob and in the first session he diagnosed the root of the issue... and it wasn't at all what I expected. In fact the problem I thought I had wasn't even the problem at all. He was able to answer in 30 minutes what I had spent years looking for. Jacob is a master at navigating the human experience.

Ronald S. (Charleston, SC)

"I've never met someone who could so effortlessly answer the big questions about life, who I am, why things happen, why bad things happen, and how to navigate it all from a place of power and clarity.

Jacob is a genius at tying together all the tiny pieces we overlook or brush off as insignificant. Working with Jacob taught me a new way navigating life with grace rather than the constant hustling and tension I was used to. Jacob poked holes in how I thought the world worked, completely ripping a apart all the stories I had been telling myself. Jacob took me straight to my core.

- Robert R. (Columbus, OH)

"I spent years exploring spirituality, trying to solve the problem of ME. I felt like no matter where I searched or what I tried nothing ever really changed in my life... I felt restless, like something was missing, even when things were going well. Jacob connected the dots for me like never before. On day one he had me seeing my life in a totally new way. I discovered what my restless 'searching' was really all about at it's root. Jacob taught me to adopt what he call's "spiritual maturity" and gave me a whole new way of navigating life with peace, power, and understanding."

- Liz G. (Akron, OH)

“Working with Jacob shifted my whole understanding of reality the first session. I showed up overwhelmed at the changes taking place in my life and needing to get a grip. Jacob has a way of gracefully maneuvering the most dire situations. Working with him has opened me up to a whole new way of working with myself, my feelings, and my life in general. I learned how to actually feel and tune into my intuition. It took practice but I’m finally following my gut for real this time. I also feel for the first time like I truly belong. He drilled into me a self love and tenaciousness that makes me feel confident in my ability to stand firmly in my spiritual mission, no matter what the people around me say. Jacob is a true spiritual teacher who has a gift for making things click. Thinks I've read or heard hundreds of times - he explains in a way that lands for me - and there’s this fun aha moment of like OH that’s what that means… I would highly recommend jumping on the chance to work with Jacob.

- Carter